Dual Minds creates event
productions that give back
We have created events since 1985 for a variety of mainly corporate clients, but with our project Dual Minds we are able to create productions that create a completely different kind of bottom line.
Our work must have a social angle. Either for whom we are creating the project, or for example, by using what we call “volunteer paid work”, which establishes local ownership of the projects.
By “volunteer paid work” we mean, work that is done by volunteers. We then pay for the work at market value and that payment goes in-part or entirely to organizations that do social work.
We must admit that we are much better together than apart
We typically work as our respective companies Mano Event and Prikken Design - Communication & Production A/S but when a project grows big enough, then we collaborate closely and have done so for the last 15 years.
“We don’t have a specific product. But we do have an overwhelming amount of experience”
That means we tailor all solutions to any given situation without reinventing the wheel every time. We have plenty of ideas for even the largest projects and if they are not right, we will just create some more. Communication and Event Production is our core.
“We know the power of bringing people together when done properly”
We have your entire production “In House” under our roof.
We have everything from a small sound set-up to large conferences or festive productions with screens, projectors, cameras, lights, speakers and more with a massive amount of experience using it to communicate your message in a powerful way.
“We are precisely as knowledgeable as you make us”
To unlock what we can provide, we need to know what you want. We need insight and communication that provides at least as much clarity as an expertly cleaned window.
So, dig a little deeper, tell us what is on your mind and let us do what we do best by creating possibilities and communicating strategically. If you want us to help you communicate it is essential that you gain a complete understanding of what motivates and drives your desired audience. That way, we can make the world understand your message.
Let us give you an example...
40 tents, 25 bands rotating across all stages, 130 concerts in 3 days at nursing homes across Copenhagen.
In collaboration with The City of Copenhagen we created Denmark's largest concert event.
After many difficult months with covid-19, nursing homes in Copenhagen were slowly able to open again.
“Our ambition was to create
Denmark's largest music event
and bring the spotlight to the
residents and staff at nursing
homes across
“We celebrate local democracy, discussion and development,
right where the debate makes sense”
The importance of local convenience stores in rural Denmark is still growing. We wanted to acknowledge that.
Prior to the Danish municipal elections, in collaboration with Dagrofa, several
convenience stores from SPAR and Min Købmand agreed to support their local democracy.
We brought the idea to reality and put the production on wheels by creating 5 large local democracy events full of debating and with an informal dinner from our big “gourmet foodtruck” to round of the evening.
“The intention justifies the means”
In line with our identity we used local paid volunteers throughout the production to promote the local ownership of this democratic meeting.
“Vores muskler står til rådighed for ildsjæle med
et vidunderligt projekt”
Dual Minds har ingået et løbende samarbejde med Hjælp Din Næste. De gøre livet bedre for dem der bor på gåden med fokus på tre kerneverdier; gennemsigtighed, næstekærlighed og tryghed.
Vi har store muskler, der ikke nødvendigvis arbejder på fuldt tryk hele tiden. Når Hjælp Din Næste ringer, og vi har mulighed for at løfte noget mere stiller vi mandskab, biler, teltebyer, og hvad det ellers skulle være til rådighed uden beregning for at fremme deres sag. For os, er det, det eneste der giver mening.
Tre weekendener i december måned rykkede vi ud til Rådhuspladsen med en teltby for at støtte Hjælp Din Næste i at indsamle julegaver til de hjemløse. Vi pakkede gaverne på vores bil og kørte dem ude til københavnske herberg. At få lov til at være en del af at sprede juleglæden til dem der har det størreste behov varmer langt ind i sjælen.